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(Psalms 25:1) In you, LORD my God, I put my trust.     


So, what did you decide? Did you give Jesus Christ a chance to change your life or will you continue down the same path? What other option do you have? God gives us every opportunity to accept him as long as we are alive. The problem is, we don’t know when we will take our last breath.

If you did accept Christ into your heart, congratulations! The first thing you need is a Bible. I would start reading the first four books of The New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) along with Psalms and Proverbs from the Old Testament. Try to read each day. Also, find a church that you feel comfortable in. Fellowship with other believers is important to encourage and strengthen your faith. Daily prayer is also a must. Don’t worry, praying is simply talking to God, not using large words or phrases; God is more interested in what comes from your heart than how it is spoken.

Although God has given us an example of how to live our life, we are still going to make mistakes. When that happens, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Growing as a Christian is a lifelong process, but it’s a journey that is full of second chances because of God’s grace and mercy. HE knows we aren’t perfect, just forgiven.



I would love to hear from you about any decision you have made, prayer requests, or questions you might have. Please click on the Comments link here or at the top of the page. Blessings!



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